Wire wrapped prong set Swarovski crystal rivoli ring
I really wanted to make a ring with the Swarovski Rivoli that I bought a year ago. It has been sitting on my desk for about a month while I was trying to get inspiration for it. It is a 10.5mm Swarovski Rivoli so trying to come up with ideas for it was hard.

I considered making a pendant, but I felt that it would be a waste to use this stone in a pendant. Then I considered trying to turn it into a bangle or bracelet, but I rejected that idea for the same reason as the pendant idea.
I briefly considered making a ring, but prong set wire wrapped rings are difficult to make, especially when the stone has a pointed back, and they usually require square wire, which is a little bit more expensive than round wire and this blog is for beginners.
This is why the Rivoli sat on my desk for a month until I decided to make a simple prong set ring using a wire weaving technique. So I made a wire wrapped prong set Swarovski crystal Rivoli ring. (more…)