Happy new year!
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I have been absent from the blog for a while now, but those of you who are subscribed to my youtube channel will know that I have been uploading consistently. You can click here to subscribe. I’m back with a new wire wrapped bracelet tutorial.
This is my first wire wrapped bracelet (using wire weaving techniques). I have been intimidated by these. They require A LOT of wire to make. The weaves used in this tutorial were chosen with the design in mind. First, I used a dense four wire weave for the band because I needed it to be tight. My wire is difficult to shape and it is springy, so I needed to harden it to shape it. The weave chosen for the diamond was chosen to be looser. This was done to thread beads onto the bracelet. Scroll to the end for the video and keep reading for written instructions.
I have some great news. I launched a new wire wrapping course during the holidays. In this course, I teach you how to make wire wrapped rings. I have four different rings each with new wire wrapping styles and weaving techniques. I spent months perfecting these designs and the end result was absolutely beautiful. You can check out the course here. Hurry up, I have a half off special for the beginning of the year.
Check out some of my wire wrapped ring tutorials here. You can see my favourite prong set ring tutorial here. You can look up how to make a prong set pendant here.
Tools needed
Needle or thin and strong pin
All of the wire linked here are tarnish resistant, apart from the copper wire. The Copper wire is bare copper, it can be oxidized to create an antique effect. Tarnish resistant wires are important for long term wear.
The pliers listed here were chosen for quality. You can get a set of three cheaper, but these pliers will not last long. They will also be too large to work with. I would recommend buying them individually.
Beads of different sizes (you can be creative here)
Ring mandrel ( to form the bangle shape)
Hammer and steel block
Tools description
Making the wire wrapped bracelet
Choosing your size and cutting the wire
Start off by deciding on bracelet size. If you have smaller wrists, choose seven inches long and choose nine inches for bigger wrists.
The diamond shape is 2 inches (5 cm) across and the different sides are one inch in length. Add 2.5 inches (6 cm) to your desired length. If you are making a seven inch (17.5 cm) bracelet, measure 9.5 inches (26 cm) long base wires and if you are making a nine inch (22.5 cm) bracelet use 11.5 inches (31 cm) long base wire lengths.
Making the bangle outline (Optional step)
Grab your four pieces of base wire (20 gauge/0.8mm). Take one and measure 3.5 inches from one end. At the 3.5-inch mark, use your chain nose pliers to bend the wire upwards at a slight angle.
Now from that mark measure an inch. At this point take your chain nose pliers and bend the wire downwards at a slight angle (wider than the first) again. Measure an inch (2.5 cm) after this bend and bend the wire so that it is horizontal again.
Take your second length of wire and do the same. Make sure that it mirrors the first.
Do the same to the third and fourth wires, but make sure that they sit on top of the first and second. They should form an outline around the first two.
You make the shape as you weave the bangle, but for some, this may be easier.
Making the bangle band
Take your base wires and hold them so that they lay parallel to each other. You should have four wires laying side by side.
Take your weaving wire, still on the spool (or cut off 20 inches/50cm) and begin the pattern Start about half an inch (1cm) in.:
- Wrap the weaving wire around the first wire, make sure that you wrap from behind the base wires
- Wrap around the first and second base wires
- Bring your weaving wire between the second and first base wires
- Wrap around the second and third base wires
- Bring your weaving wire between the third and second wire
- Wrap around the third and fourth base wires
- Bring your weaving wire forward and in-between the third and fourth base wires
- Wrap around the fourth base wire twice.
Now we will begin the second part of this wire wrapping technique.
- Take your weaving wire behind the base wires and wrap around the fourth and third base wires
- From behind the base wires again, go in-between the first and second base wire, then wrap around the second and third base wires
- Take the weaving wire behind the base wires again and wrap around the first and second base wires.
- To finish off, wrap the weaving wire around the first base wire. Wrap around the first wire again. This step can be seen as the beginning of the weave. You are now at the first step.
- Remember to push your weave together to avoid making a pyramid pattern. Use pliers to do this.
Once you get to the 3.5 inch (weave longer if you are making a bigger bangle) mark of where you started weaving, you can follow the instructions on how to make the shape above.
Weaving the diamond shape.
Once you have created your diamond shape, you will begin a new wire weaving technique. This is a weave that I have done several times before.
I will call the two wire one and two. Wire one will be the outer wire and wire two will be the inner wire.
- Start off by choosing one half to begin with. I would recommend starting off where you have excess weaving wire.
- Take your weaving wire and wrap around wire one three times (make three coils around wire one)
- Now, wrap around both wire one and two once.
- Repeat this weave until you reach the end of the first half of the diamond.
Turn your piece around and do the same to it. You will have to add wire to do this side. Just take some weaving wire and wrap it around wire one three times. This will be enough to secure the weaving wire.
Finishing the bangle band
Now that your diamond shape is finished, you will need to finish the band.
Start by lining the base wires up so that they are parallel again.
Once you have done that, begin your weave from before. The same weave we used in the first step of the band.
Stop once your there is about half an inch (1.2 cm of wire left) stop weaving.
Cut off all excess weaving wire left on your piece. Make sure to lay the ends down by using your chain nose pliers to smooth them down.
Take your round nose pliers and use them to make loops at the ends of the base wires. You can use any pattern, I used two.
Use your hamer and anvil to flatten the loops.
Attaching the beads.
Take your weaving wire cut off about 20 inches (50cm).
Use your needle to create a gap in the two wire weave, (your diamond frame).
Thread your base wire through the gap. Loop it once to secure it. You will see what I mean in the video.
String some beads onto this weaving wire. I started with a 4mm bicone bead. You will have to “stitch” the beads onto the wire.
You can do this by taking the wire to the other side of the frame and “threading” it through to secure the bead. Come up from the bottom and tread it through the opposite side again. Repeat these steps until you reach the end of the frame.
Cut off any excess wires and use your chain nose pliers to smooth them out.
Forming the bangle shape
Take any round object and begin curving the bangle by bending the bangle around it.
Start off with big round objects then move on the smaller ones.
Take some jump rings and attach them the one end of the bangle. Take a clasp and attach it to the other. (I skipped this step because I could not find any gold clasps.
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